This contribution will fully sponsor one class in our Winter Class Session
This contribution will help cover the costs
associated with Guest Teaching Artists and Master Classes.
This contribution will help us continue our Special Event Trips so that our students can see professional live theater, music and dance performances.
This contribution will help keep our snack closet and water bottle supply full for our young artists.
How can you help?
We appreciate any donation, no amount is too small toward our goal
of giving our students a permanent home.
If you have an arts skill you would like to share with the youth community, please contact us and we can discuss workshops or even full classes.
Eventually, we will offer technical theater education as well, which showcases the expertise of electricians, contractors, carpenters, plumbers, in the vein of set design, construction, sound design, lighting design, etc.
If you are a member of our local community and want to get involved, but aren't sure just how, give us a call, I'm sure we can find ways to partner with you.
Our focus is to remain as community oriented as possible,
and we value all of your support and suggestions!